Using discount codes

Discount codes can be used to sell products with a discount. One Community provides two types of discount codes: by amount (i.e. € 5,00) and by percentage (i.e., 10%).

Managing discount codes

Discount codes can be added, edited, deleted and monitored by navigating to Sales > Discount codes. 

Limiting usage

You can control usage of the discount codes by adding sales and/or date limitations.

Sales limitations: When adding (or editing) a discount code, you can define which products are eligible for the discount code and, optionally, how many times the discount code can be used.

Date limitations: At any time, discount codes can be enabled or disabled individually. Moreover, a discount code can be scheduled to be active only within a predefined period.

Of course, you can also use a combination of limitations to control the discount code usage.

Using discount codes in forms

Build your form using the description in Creating forms and add a field with the 'Order > Discount code' type. This field can only be used when the form creates an order.