Adding a form

Get started by clicking the Add form button shown below.

Next, enter a name for the form and click Add.

Configuring a form

You are now ready to start configuring the form. There are a few steps that must be taken before the form is ready to use. The steps are:

  1. Choosing a title
  2. Configuring the scope of the form
  3. Configuring settings for end-users
  4. Building the form

1. Choosing a title

Simply click Choose a title and enter a title for your form.

2. Configuring the scope of the form

Depending on the goal of your form, you choose which types of objects you wish to create through the form. Forms can create new contacts, update existing contacts, create orders, or create (crowdfunding) campaigns. By selecting these scopes, different sets of fields become available for use in the form that enable you to create and update contacts, orders and campaigns.

One Community tip: if you want to put your form on a public page where end-users are not logged in, then make sure that your form creates a contact. If your form doesn't create a contact for each entry, it will require end-users to login first. 

Recommended fields

If you wish to create a contact, order or campaign through a form, it is recommended to include the following fields. Fields in bold are required for the given scope.

  • Creating a contact:
  • Contact › Type (person/team/organisation, person by default)
  • Contact › Title (in case of team/organisation)
  • Contact › First name (in case of person)
  • Contact › Last name (in case of person)
  • Contact › Email
  • Contact › Subscribe to mailings

Creating an order:

  • Order › Product (one or more)
  • Order › Payment method
  • Order › Bank account (in case of direct debit payment)
  • Order › iDEAL bank (in case of iDEAL payment)

Creating a campaign:

  • Campaign › Type (open/team/individual)
  • Campaign › Project
  • Campaign › Title

3. Configuring settings for end-users

Click Configure settings for end-users and tick the boxes that are relevant to your form. You will be presented with the following options:

  • Allow multiple form entries per end-user: Controls whether or not this form can be submitted multiple times by the same account. You should turn this setting on if you want to allow people to submit the form multiple times (for example: a feedback form). Turn it off if you want to prevent this (for example: an event invitation).
  • Submitted form entries can be edited by end-users: Controls whether or not a submitted form entry can be edited. You should turn this setting on if you want to allow the end-user to come back and edit their submitted form (for example: an event invitation). You should turn it off if this is not necessary (for example: a newsletter sign-up).

4. Building the form

Finally, you are ready to add fields to your form. A form can consist of either a single page or multiple pages. Each page can contain any number of fields, which can be arranged horizontally (in columns) or vertically (in rows). Besides these visible fields, you can also add hidden fields. Hidden fields are not shown to the end-user, but they are fully functional. Use hidden fields to automatically preselect a group, product, payment method, or something else, without showing it to the end-user.

Click Build the form to start adding pages and fields.

By default, each form starts with a single, blank page. Add a field by clicking Add field. A window will appear in which you create the field.

Continue adding fields until your form is complete. If you want, you can split the form into multiple pages by clicking Add page. Simply enter a title for that page and you can start adding more fields.

One Community tip: each scope described in step 2 (contact, order, campaign) comes with its own set of fields, which become visible in the list of field types, as shown above. If your form creates or updates a contact, then make sure to use these special fields (which contain first name, last name, e-mail address, group, and many more). Similarly, there are special fields for orders and for campaigns. Make sure to have a look at the available options to see what you can do.

After adding fields you can rearrange them by dragging them from the grey handle on the left side into the desired layout. Any changes you make are saved automatically.

Configuring fields

You can configure individual fields by moving your mouse over the field and clicking the pencil. 

Here you can edit the title, a description, a default value, rules, and add or edit choices.

A field can be displayed as an open field (the end-user can enter any value), multiple choice (the end-user can pick one choice), or selection of multiple answers (the user can pick multiple choices).

Under Activate when... you have the option to conditionally display fields (e.g., only show field X if field Y contains Z).

Hidden fields

Hidden fields are like normal fields, but they are not shown to the end-user and come with a preselected value that the end-user cannot change. Hidden fields can be useful in many cases, such as:

  • Automatically adding contacts to a group. If you want to gather all respondents in a specific group, add a Contact › Group field.
  • Subscribing contacts to mailings. By default, every contact is unsubscribed from mailings in One Community. If you want to automatically subscribe new contacts, you can add a hidden field (Contact › Subscribe to mailings) to do so.
  • Preselecting a product (Order › Product). For example, when you're selling a product or charge a registration fee.
  • Preselecting a payment method (Order › Payment method). For example, when you only want to offer one payment method.

In this example, every participant is automatically given the group label 'Questionnaire'.

If you wish to send end-users a confirmation mail after submitting the form, you can select a transactional mail. This transactional mail can contain variables based on the submitted form.

If you wish, you can change the language of the success message (shown after submitting the form), submit button, and footnote (shown at the bottom of the last page of the form).